Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Current Razorwolf List

So, I'm trying to write up an army and build it.  I have about 40 marines to work with, and I'm trying to fit them into a's what I've been thinking of running mostly, if my points are off, I'll fix it when I get home.

HQ: Rune Priest, Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane, Chooser of the Slain 110 points

           (Standard space wolf HQ, but I only have this one, if I had two I would do double-jaws, but one jaws isn't worth it, and the chooser is just good, especially when crossed with Living Lightning)

ELITE: 5x Wolf Guard, all with Power Fist and Combi Weapon (43 points each)  These guys go with my four grey hunter squads, one hangs out with the wolf scouts.

ELITE: 5x Wolf Scouts, all with melta bombs, one meltagun 105 points

           (Disruption unit, one of the best at the job too, especially with a wolf-guard running around with them.)

TROOP: 5x Grey Hunters, Flamer, Assault Cannon Razorback with armor 165 points

TROOP: 5x Grey Hunters, Melta, Razorback with armor 140 points

           (These guys are flankers and contesters, mobile shooting, I may go with the las-plas, or not, the assault cannon is proving to be a useful gun, but the bolter-back is cheep)

TROOP: 8x Grey Hunters, Melta, Wolf Standard, Extra Armor Rhino 185 points

           (These guys are for holding/assaulting objectives, not just contesting them, the rune priest also rides around in here, blasting lightning at tanks and shooting whatever needs to walk slower with a windpocalypse)
TROOP: 9x Grey Hunters, Melta, Wolf Standard, Extra Armor Rhino 200 points

           (Yet another objective squad, only this one is supposed to go out and kill things, provide an anchor in the center of the table)

THE STANDARD LONG FANG FIRE SUPPORT SQUADS. (Should explain itself really, though with some lascannons thrown in, because I don't have enough missile marines.)

The only thing I worry about, is Fast Attack, I could go with either a trio of speeders, or some Thunder Wolf Cav. The Thunderwolves did great in test games, but they rolled REALLY hot on their stormshields, can't count on that every game. The speeders seem more useful in general, but without the thunderwolves I have no 'rock' unit in combat (which is ok, actually, after running a nobstar in my ork army I'm really tired of combat-rocks)

What do you think? Good? Bad? What would you change?

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