Saturday, February 18, 2012

After Action Report: 2k Point event @ EPIC LOOT

Soooo, I decided to run my loganwing in a local tournament, nothing too fancy.  Only, my friend is painting my army, and I was down two cyclone terms, now, I did have an old grey knight, so I asked the TO if he could standin, and he said sure, he also went looking for a cyclone guy that I could borrow.  So, I ended up with one less cyclone launcher,  Still, loganwing is a decent force, so I figured I might be able to overcome the 50 points I was down.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Logan Wing: Mind Changed

Wow, its been a while since I wrote on this blog, even longer since I even thought about things that I wrote here.

I noticed a while back I said something to the effect of disliking loganwing. Well, now I've had the chance to play the army, in various different builds. I haven't tried the drop pods yet, but, I did at least play the army.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Radio Review: Click 1015

I'm baaaaaack, and it's about time too!!!

I'm also back doing my favorite thing, reviewing music, but today I'm taking a bit of a new approach to that, I'm reviewing, not an album or a song, but an entire radio station. 101.5 FM is a new band in my local radio station, and on it is a new station calling themselves "Click." Click is owned by Mainline broadcasting, which seems to be shaping up to challenge the greats of radio broadcasting, and Click is certainly challenging the big local names. "More modern hit music than Mix!" they proudly boast. I'm going to focus on a few quick things, and then wrap up.

First thing I want to ask is, do they fill their promises. They have a site that's pretty small at the moment, but it does have a link to seize the deal, a local coupon site. They also used to promise "if you tune in expect to hear at least 30 minutes of modern hit music" I suppose the reason they were doing this is they are using 60 minute blocks of music. They tend to live up to what they say (and they don't say much, they let their music take the air most often)

Which brings me to my next point, the variety of music. I have heard a lot of varied music on this station. So much variety, and bands that I only recently heard about, such as Mumford and Sons (who's new song "The Cave" has been stuck in my head since I heard it on a livestream) There is just so much different music on this station it seems, and most of it is fairly modern. I admit, most of it is rock, but there's also stuff by Adele, and it's not the rock that tends to end up on the other local stations, its what I would consider more fringe, maybe not as much post-hardcore.

Overall, I like the station, granted, they were much cooler about a month ago, when they didn't actually have any adds, so they just played 24 hours of music, but I knew they couldn't keep that up for forever. I've found some pretty cool music though this station, and I'm hoping they can take themselves farther.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Speed Freeks...start walking

I'm going to start trying something new with my orks, a kind of mixed army, between kanz boyz and battlewagons. I've seen lists like that do well, lets see what I can come up with. More to come.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Brainstorm: Why don't I like Loganwing?

Or, a thought experiment.

Lets say I were to start logan wing. If you don't know, Loganwing is the term for Wolf Guard heavy space wolf armies (with Logan Grimnar as the HQ) if you take five man squads you can have a terminator with a cyclone launcher in those squads, quite strong for 5th edition. As a friend put it, "It's an army that excels at killing mech, without having any mech of it's own."

My problem is, if I played loganwing, all the majority of my army would do, would be wander around and shoot missiles. I happen to like high mobility. So, what is highly mobile and can still make loganwing quite strong....DROP PODS! So, my logan wing would probably involve a lot of drop pods and combi-weapon wolf guard, I may actually trade-down a few CMLs for Assault cannons in this case, to make sure I have suppression fire (especially against AV14).

But why would I do this? Podding down takes away one of their big advantages, which is being able to open fire on you from turn 1, and keep the pressure up. The reason? My playstyle. Everyone has a playstyle it seems, they have builds that they like, and playstyles that they like. Personally, I like charging up and jumping out of my transport to go kill something. (note: this is a pretty bad tactic most of the time) I think there's also something about me not wanting to do things that other people have done. I want to do new things, to explore new territory. I'm not interested in tried and tested tactics, I want to try something new and unique. If I do use tried and true tactics, I do it in my own way.

So this is why I don't play Loganwing.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Current Razorwolf List

So, I'm trying to write up an army and build it.  I have about 40 marines to work with, and I'm trying to fit them into a's what I've been thinking of running mostly, if my points are off, I'll fix it when I get home.

HQ: Rune Priest, Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane, Chooser of the Slain 110 points

           (Standard space wolf HQ, but I only have this one, if I had two I would do double-jaws, but one jaws isn't worth it, and the chooser is just good, especially when crossed with Living Lightning)

ELITE: 5x Wolf Guard, all with Power Fist and Combi Weapon (43 points each)  These guys go with my four grey hunter squads, one hangs out with the wolf scouts.

ELITE: 5x Wolf Scouts, all with melta bombs, one meltagun 105 points

           (Disruption unit, one of the best at the job too, especially with a wolf-guard running around with them.)

TROOP: 5x Grey Hunters, Flamer, Assault Cannon Razorback with armor 165 points

TROOP: 5x Grey Hunters, Melta, Razorback with armor 140 points

           (These guys are flankers and contesters, mobile shooting, I may go with the las-plas, or not, the assault cannon is proving to be a useful gun, but the bolter-back is cheep)

TROOP: 8x Grey Hunters, Melta, Wolf Standard, Extra Armor Rhino 185 points

           (These guys are for holding/assaulting objectives, not just contesting them, the rune priest also rides around in here, blasting lightning at tanks and shooting whatever needs to walk slower with a windpocalypse)
TROOP: 9x Grey Hunters, Melta, Wolf Standard, Extra Armor Rhino 200 points

           (Yet another objective squad, only this one is supposed to go out and kill things, provide an anchor in the center of the table)

THE STANDARD LONG FANG FIRE SUPPORT SQUADS. (Should explain itself really, though with some lascannons thrown in, because I don't have enough missile marines.)

The only thing I worry about, is Fast Attack, I could go with either a trio of speeders, or some Thunder Wolf Cav. The Thunderwolves did great in test games, but they rolled REALLY hot on their stormshields, can't count on that every game. The speeders seem more useful in general, but without the thunderwolves I have no 'rock' unit in combat (which is ok, actually, after running a nobstar in my ork army I'm really tired of combat-rocks)

What do you think? Good? Bad? What would you change?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Why Speed Freaks?

Alt: What is the blog about?

Well, when my favorite mecha game had it's servers shut down by a company known for pushing terrible games and letting good games stagnate, I had to look for an alternative.  I had heard about DoW, but my computer couldn't run it, so I started looking into the tabletop game.  I hadn't built or painted a model in forever, but I had played the Mechwarrior Clix game back when that was a thing, and I remembered having fun even when I lost all the time, this couldn't be much different right?

So after haunting Dakkadakka and poking around on the internet, I fell in love with the orks, but not just any orks, the Speed Freaks.  Orks who are obsessed with going fast.  Because I too like my games to be fast, I love flying/racing games, even inside a slow-paced mech game I find ways to go faster!  Gradually, I have come to like two other armies, and am in the process of buying one (I'll buy the third when they get a new codex)

I like Orks, Marines, and Eldar, because they do what I like to do in 40k, zoom around the table while blowing things up.  Naturally my orks are the Wagon Blitz variety (with a few trukks for flavor), my Marines are mostly mechanized, with a little of a static element.  My eldar...well, idk, but they will certainly be heavily Saim-hann themed when I ever build them.

My progress on the marines is slow, but steady, just need more rhinos, my orks are mostly done, in fact I can field a close to fully painted (not well painted...just fully) mech-ork army.  It does well enough, but it needs more options, like a biker boss and a sneaky-boss (Projects I am working on)