Saturday, February 18, 2012

After Action Report: 2k Point event @ EPIC LOOT

Soooo, I decided to run my loganwing in a local tournament, nothing too fancy.  Only, my friend is painting my army, and I was down two cyclone terms, now, I did have an old grey knight, so I asked the TO if he could standin, and he said sure, he also went looking for a cyclone guy that I could borrow.  So, I ended up with one less cyclone launcher,  Still, loganwing is a decent force, so I figured I might be able to overcome the 50 points I was down.

 My list was as follows
Bro-gun wing! 1996
Rune Priest (Jaws, Tempest's Wrath, Chooser) 110
Great Wolf Logan Grimnar 275
(note: TDA means Tactical Dreadnaught Armor, or terminators)
Lone Wolf(TDA, Chainfist, Stormshield) 85
Lone Wolf(TDA, Chainfist, Stormshield) 85
Wolf Scouts (Meltagun) 85
10 Wolf Guard 345
2 with terminator armor, cyclone launcher, chainfist, 2 wolf guard with combi melta, power fist, 2 wolf guard with combi-plas
7 Wolf Guard 196
"1 with terminator armor, cyclone launcher, chainfist, 2 wolf guard
with combi melta"
5 Wolf Guard 160
"1 with terminator armor, cyclone launcher, chainfist, 2 wolf guard
with combi melta."
5 Wolf Guard 160
"1 with terminator armor, cyclone launcher, chainfist, 2 wolf guard
with combi melta."
5 Wolf Guard 150
1 with TDA, cyclone launcher, chainfist
5 Long Fangs (4 Missiles) 115
5 Long Fangs (4 Missile) 115
5 Long Fangs (4 Missile) 115 

Its got lots of options, and a TON of missiles.


The deployment was spearhead, the missions were all modified from the "Nova Format" where there are three objectives, and you can W/L/D on any of them...though, these were worth battlepoints instead of being win-loss, but I thought the system did fairly well.  In this mission, Capture And Control was the primary, the 2ndary was killpoints, and the 3rtiary was four objectives.  My opponents list was: Dante, 5 Sanguinary Priests (one of whom was Corbulo), A furioso in a pod, an assault marine squad 10 strong with jump packs, four razors full of assault marines, and a plasma dev squad.   I knew the plasmadevs would be a problem, but there was only one squad, so I spread out to avoid them.  He had turn 1, so I deployed in a place where his plasmaguns would have limited targets, and all the targets would have cover.  His shooting openend up fairly well, killing a couple models here and there, I shot back, smoked one razor far in the back, shook another, and generally advanced.  The pod had dropped in a place to block a far left squad's fire lane (The dread was walking).  My opponent also had some PLASMA GUNS on his ASSAULT MARINES...yeah, I told him that the melta is usually better, because you can charge after you fire it.  I ended up winning with 9 points, one shy of full.

The 2nd round opponent was someone I knew, Keebler is a cool guy from the area, and he's got a tyranid army he's slowly working on.  It had a Hive Tyrant with 4 guards, Old Adversary, Paroxism, Lash whip bonesword, Psy Scream, stranglethorn cannon.  A pair of Dakkafexes (in one brood), two tyrannofexes, a tervigon, a gaunt squad, and the doom of malan'ti in a drop pod.  I knew that tyrant & friends were target priority number one, so I dedicated almost all my first and 2nd turn rocket shots at them, wiped out all the guards, but had a hard time putting wounds on the tyrant.  Turn 2 I was also able to drop a tyrannofex down a hole with Jaws.  I had a lone-wolf stand in the way of the Tyrant just to hold him up, the other wolf charged across the table straight at the other tyrannofex.  The dakkafexes spent the whole game shooting at the 10 man wolfguard squad doing almost nothing thanks to some awesome armor saves on my part.  On turn 3 it got intresting, because the doom dropped right in the middle of 4 squads, and did some really crazy wounds to them.  I got lucky that none of my squads got killed by that or ran away, because the primary was killpoints.  As the game wound down, he had the tertiary, noone had the secondary, but I had the primary by a killpoint.  It was pretty close, mostly due to my own deployment.  It was Dawn of War, and I should have probably had another wolf guard unit on the table, but, you live and learn.

Game 3 was versus Jack.  Jack is kinda my mentor, and we were on table 2, and of all the armies who had gone 2-0, mine was the one he didn't want to fight.   His own list was, Coteaz, a big squad of 10 Grey Knight Terminators with psybolt ammo, a strike squad in a razorback, three acolite squads in razorbacks, two purifier squads in razorbacks, and three Psyfleman dreads.  Its a nasty army that outguns mine.  My assumption was that, I couldn't beat it at range, but if I could get a super-assault with the logan +1 attack bubble, then I could demolish some of his razorback units.  But the game did not go as I expected.  First turn, he dumped aaaaallll his psycannons+psybolt bolters into my long fangs, and killed 3 models (and not a single rocket).  I returned fire with 43 krak missiles, blew the arm off a dread.  After the 1st turn it started to get ugly.  One fang squad was reduced to two models, another one had both the pack leader and the attached wolf-guard killed off, and a morale test was forced on the 7man squad, which they proceeded to fail and ran 8" off the table edge.  My return fire did kill a razor, and the scouts hosed another with a meltagun.  I also attempted to get my lone wolves into combat with the terminator blob, but Coteaz cast Sanctuary, which meant that only one lone wolf could make it into combat.  I blocked one hammerhand with the priest, but the other one was cast by someone outside of range.  1 lone wolf went down.  Return fire started to gun down yet more guys, another squad failed a morale test but didn't run off the board. (Oh, and the scouts died)  My return fire shook a few guys, though I did shake a dread in range of a runestaff.  I tried to get logan and the other lone wolf into the assault next turn, but didn't quite have range, though I did drop the bro-banner out of the unit with shooting (it was the one save he failed).  Lone wolf killed a few, and stuck in.  The next turn, all three fang squads were down to one guy.  The dread's fortitude got blocked, the other one managed to gun down another long fang.  Lone wolf got killed, but the next turn, I dropped frags and dropped Jaws across the terminators, and he rolled two fives on halberds.  By endgame though, I only had three models left, I had only killed one razorback.  Honestly, I misunderstood the matchup.  I thought that, though my models didn't have as many shots, I could possibly kill him in combat if I got the charge (since I have more attacks) but I forgot about range.  Only his dreadnoughts had 48" range, if I had stayed outside 24" for the first two turns, I could have drastically reduced his firepower into me, instead, I deployed straight across from him.  I was basically gambling that I could blow up a bunch of razorbacks with my turn 1 shooting....when that didn't happen, things went downhill fast.

Still, I went 2-1 with 50 points down!  Not too bad for a 20 person event, and the guy I lost to went on to win 1st in battlepoints.  Good games to all my opponents!

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